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- ItemMonitoring of Educational Technology Progress to Enhance the Quality of Graduate Teachers From The Kenyan Universities(European Scientific Journal, 2024-12-23) Benjamin Kyalo Wambua; Marcella Mwaka; Anne Syomwene; Kisilu KitaingeIt makes sense for a teacher education university to keep a close watch on its environments and adapt to any changes so that it can develop contingency plans and actions which reduce the response time needed to address an environmental opportunity or threat. The close watch helps identify the needs, changes, and challenges characteristic of the environment in which the graduate teacher will work, and understand how the impact of these affects a university’s teacher preparation strategy. Accurate and timely information about critical aspects of the environment related to educational technology are crucial to the quality of graduate teachers. The purpose of this study was to establish how progress in educational technology is monitored to enhance the quality of graduate teachers from Kenyan universities. The study was guided by the General Systems Theory by Bertalanffy (1975) and adopted a descriptive survey research design. Four universities selected from ten Kenyan universities engaged in teacher preparation programs participated in the study. Data was collected from forty lecturers from the selected universities using the questionnaire. This study established that there are low interaction levels between lecturers and head teachers. The flow of information on changes in the schools to lecturers’ profession was found to be slow. The study recommends that universities develop and promote research in teacher education in order to encourage evidence-based decision-making in all aspects of teacher development. Universities also need to establish communication structures that connect all relevant stakeholders in teacher education, which will consequently enable them to identify challenges relating to use of educational technology for both students and lecturers and deal with them.
- ItemEffectiveness of Emis for Student Information Management on Management of Public Secondary Schools in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya(Journal International of Business Management, 2024-12-23) Wambua, B. K.; Wamutoro, M.; Kessio, D. K.The government of Kenya implemented a policy advocating for Education Management Information Systems (EMIS). This is because the manual system for managing the students’ record is becoming more cumbersome affecting the management of secondary schools. In this regard the study investigated the influence of EMIS for Student Information Management on Management of Public Secondary Schools in Uasin Gishu County. The study adopted pragmatic philosophical paradigm and employed mixed methods research design with a target population 1334 respondents which included 183 principals, 189 deputy principals, 955 HODs in public secondary schools, 6 Sub-County Directors and 1 County Director of Education in Uasin Gishu County. Kerjcie and Morgan (1970) table was used for determining the sample size of 302 respondents which was proportionately allocated to each stratum. Structured questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from principals, deputy principals and heads of departments (HODs) while semi-structured interview schedules were used to collect qualitative data from sub-county directors and the County Director of Education. Internal validity was attained by increasing the sample size. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data was analyzed in narratives and themes. Results of data analysis were presented using tables. From the findings, the value of adjusted R squared was is 0.627, an indication that there was a variation of 62.7% on the management of public secondary schools in Uasin Gishu County due to effectiveness and efficiency of EMIS for Student Information Management. There was a significant association between EMIS and management of public secondary schools with F statistics (437.414). Regression coefficient of student information management was .577 with P<0.05. This implied that there is a significant relationship between EMIS for student information management and management of public secondary schools. The effectiveness of EMIS for student information management on management of public secondary schools is also premised on the effective communication of student development records and instructional strategies between the management and other teachers precipitating students’ progress. In this regard, the study recommended that public secondary schools must continuously improve on their implementation of EMIS for student information management.
- ItemFactors Influencing Educational Wastage Among Girls in Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case Of Kisii Central District(European Scientific Journal, 2024-12-23) Benjamin K. Wambua; Motage Justus Mosigisi; Shandrack SainaThe purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing wastage among girls in secondary schools in Kisii Central district. Generally it looked into the factors that force girls to drop out of school or repeat grades. The objectives that were used to guide this study were to; establish the influence of school related factors on the wastage rate among girls at secondary level in Kisii central district, establish the influence of economic factors on wastage among girls in secondary schools in Kisii Central district, investigate the influence of cultural factors on wastage among girls in secondary schools in Kisii central district , and finally establish the influence of social factors on wastage rate among girls in secondary level in Kisii central district. The study was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. Descriptive survey research design was used in conducting the study. This study was based on the production function theory as expressed by Psacharapoulos and Wood hall (1985). Stratified random sampling was used to select 22 secondary schools which were either public mixed or public girl’s schools. This formed 35% of the total 63 public mixed and public girls’ schools in the study area. The respondents were all head teachers and one form three class master in each selected school. Form three students of the selected schools also participated. All the above respondents were purposively sampled into the study. A total of 399 respondents participated. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. Piloting of the study was conducted in two schools in the neighbouring Gucha district. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The inferential statistics used was chi-squire. From the findings it was found out that economic factors like poverty at household level, cultural factors such as pregnancy and marriages were responsible for dropout among girls. Also, school related factors like school examination regulations and social factors such as provision of sanitary towels were found to affect girls’ education negatively. It is therefore hoped that the findings and recommendations of this study will be useful to educational planners and other educational stakeholders in solving the problem of wastage among girls in secondary schools in Kenya.
- ItemTESSA Open Education Resources: A Springboard for Kenya’s Competency Based Curriculum(Pan-Commonwealth Forum, 9-12 September 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland., 2024-12-23) Sammy M. MutisyaLow availability and access to quality educational materials are some of the likely impediments to implementation of a curriculum. This study explored Open Education Practices (OEP) and in particular the use of TESSA Open Educational Resources (OER) for modeling pedagogies for Kenya’s learner centered Competency Based Curriculum. Eighty-six educators participated in the study. A literature review revealed that both CBC and TESSA OERs focus on the learner. The study revealed that some teachers had access to digital devices and Internet thus could easily access TESSA OERs. The majority (74.0%-100%) agreed that: TESSA OERs content was relevant, a core part of the curriculum, understandable and usable in teaching and modeling learner-centered pedagogy. Teachers also agreed that TESSA OERs promote students’ engagement in learning, enabled teachers’ account for learners’ prior knowledge and appropriate for effecting changes proposed in CBC. Teachers finally indicated they were willing to advocate use of TESSA OERs among their peers. The study recommends policy changes by Kenya’s Ministry of Education, Teacher Service Commission and Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development to open uptake of OEPs in the implementation of CBC and retraining of teacher educators to make meaningful change in teachers’ instructional methodology.
- ItemPreparation to teach science in Kenya’s primary schools(International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2024-12-24) Sammy M. MutisyaThis study determined Primary Teacher Education (PTE) Trainees’ perceptions regarding their conceptual understanding of science subject content and Science Process Skills (SPS). The study further determined trainees’ opinion regarding teaching of science in primary schools. A descriptive survey research design was used and stratified proportionate random sampling technique was used to select 131 trainees from science and 169 trainees from arts options. The study found out that overall trainees rated their conceptual understanding of science content and SPS to be average. More trainees in the science option than in the arts option rated their conceptual understanding of science content and SPS to be high and further indicated that subject specialization was necessary and only those trainees who specialize in science should teach science in primary school. They also indicated they would opt to teach science during training and after training. Hence trainees specializing in science were more prepared to teach science than trainees specializing in arts subject. The study recommends that subject specialization be abolished in PTE or teachers who specialize in science during training teach science in primary schools.