Principals’ Scope of ICT Use in Curriculum Implementation in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya

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African Journal of Education, Science and Technolog
The appreciation of school principals’ leadership role in enhancing the use of Information and Communication and Technology (ICT) in recent years has driven many countries and institutions of learning in particular to focus more on their inputs in driving integration of ICT in education. The study sought to analyze the principals’ scope of ICT use in curriculum implementation in public secondary schools in Meru County. The study sampled 211 public secondary schools from Meru County through stratified sampling technique. The sample comprised of 335 teachers, 1441 students selected through simple random sampling method and 211 principals selected through purposive sampling. Data collection was done through use of interview schedules, questionnaires, and observation checklists. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics where qualitative data was discussed under suitable themes derived from the objectives of the study while quantitative data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The study established that the principals’ scope of ICT use in curriculum implementation is minimal. The study concluded that, limited use of ICT by principals in teaching and learning has negatively affected their leadership role in enhancing the use of ICT in curriculum implementation. It recommended that the Ministry of Education should play greater role in developing and improving ICT pedagogical skills in principals to be role models in the use of ICT in curriculum implementation.