Enhancing Learning of Geography: A Focus on Video Use

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International J. Soc. Sci. & Education
Prevailing poor performance by students in examination and misconception they hold about some topics in Geography have aroused concern in educational field on the cause and need to alleviate the situation. Conventional approach which is widely used need to be integrated with technological innovations in teaching to alleviate the situation of low enrolment and conform to expected national quality and standard in Geography. The Homa Bay district Mean Standard Score of 6 C+ has been recorded for the last four years and low enrolment as students tend to shy away from the subject. The main objective was to investigate if video can enhance learning. Cohun’s and Edgar’s theories on hearing, sight and learning experience arranged in hierarchy informed this study. The study adopted Experimental research design involving pre test-post test control group design. The target population was provincial schools in Homa Bay district. The sample size was 194.Stratified random sampling procedure was used to obtain four schools. The experimental group was exposed to video for three weeks and the control group was exposed to conventional teaching for the same duration. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to collect data. Post-test was administered to all students and questionnaire to all respondents. Data was analyzed through use of inferential statistics which were t-test and Chi-square. Descriptive statistics that involved means, frequencies, percentages and standard deviation were also used. Hypothesis was rejected at significant level of 0.05. The results of the study show that use of video in teaching enhanced learning achievement. It was established that video motivates, enhance understanding, retention and participation. The findings of this study have created awareness and need for integrating video in teaching and learning for improved performance in Geography. The following recommendations were made. Use of video be supported at policy level, Geography curriculum to embrace ICT, teachers to be equipped with skills and knowledge they need to use video.